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Words and Power
So, as an experiment, I looked up the translations of the lyrics of the "Ode to Joy," the poem by Friedrich Schiller that Beethoven...

Family Dancing
The other day was my birthday, and as is our family tradition, it ended with dancing. This is something I've loved since I was a kid. ...

Spirit and Matter
Science tell us that all the things we see and touch and feel are made out of energy. All the "stuff" of the universe is actually some...

Dance and healing
While in Korea, I met an amazing woman, a dancer and anthropologist, MiYeon Choi. She has studied the dance of her culture, traditional...

Filming for Peace
One of the simple truths that often eludes even the most sophisticated of us is that peace is the minimum, the base, for all other good...

Beethoven's Birthday Card
Dear Ludwig, Happy 247th Birthday! And thank you for all the gifts that you have given to our world. Your own life seems to have been...
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